Living with Cystic Fibrosis– Keeping Lungs Healthy with Kanga

Published: 02 May 2024

Living with Cystic Fibrosis– Keeping Lungs Healthy with Kanga
Jacaranda Place is a place for healing, learning and recovery for young people from across Queensland.


Kanga and Kanga’s Mum are sitting in the living room together when the doorbell rings.

“Spotty is here!” says Kanga

Kanga meets Spotty and Spotty’s Mum at the door and welcomes them inside.

They all take a seat in the living room as Kanga tells Spotty, “Hi Spotty! I have to finish my physio PEP breathing before we can play!” Kanga picks up the PEP device.

Kanga’s Mum sets a timer for the physio session.

“What’s PEP?” Spotty asks

“It helps keep my lungs healthy!” Kanga explains

“PEP stands for Positive expiratory pressure, but everyone just calls it PEP! It helps to open my lungs and get air behind any mucous. Some kids use a mask and others use a mouthpiece, like me.”

Spotty is curious and asks Kanga, “Why do you have to do physio and I don’t?”

While Kanga keeps doing PEP breaths and huffing, Mum answers Spotty,

“Do you remember last week Kanga was coughing a lot? Kanga has Cystic Fibrosis. Thick mucous in the lungs can block the breathing tubes so we need to clear them.”

Kanga adds “When my breathing tubes are clear my body is ready to play and do all the things I love to do… like soccer and karate. Lots of kids do physio for their lungs.”

“Do you have to do it every day?  Even if you don’t have a cough?” asks Spotty

“Yeah.” says Kanga, “It’s just like cleaning my teeth, but for my lungs.”

Kanga explains, “When I was little, Mum did pats on my chest.  When I got a bit older she added in vibrations. Sometimes we use them when I do PEP too. And Mum, do you remember when you used to do airplanes with me and bounce me on the ball? I loved that!”

“They’re called acceleration activities! says Mum

“And when you are older you might learn new breathing exercises.”

“Exercise gets the mucous moving too!” says Kanga

“So do bubbles and party blowers, but we huff and cough to clear it!” adds Mum

Kanga does some rocket huffs and a cough as the tissue flies to the floor.

“That looks like fun!” laughs Spotty

The Timer rings and Kanga calls to Spotty “Hooray! - now it’s time to play! I’ll race you to the trampoline!”

Kanga’s Mum and Spotty’s Mum watch on the verandah while Spotty and Kanga play, taking turns on the trampoline.

Spotty’s Mum chats to Kanga’s Mum saying “And keeping active is something important we all need to do! You and me too!”

  • Audience General public
  • FormatVideo
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Last updated02 May 2024


Is your child living with Cystic Fibrosis? Use this age-appropriate video to help your child understand their positive expiratory pressure (PEP) breathing exercises and why they're important to keeping their lungs healthy.