Get to know us

We provide public health services to children and young people across Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

  • Vision and values

    We're committed to improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people across Queensland by providing high-quality person-centred healthcare.

  • Who we are

    Meet our Board and Executive Leadership Team and view our organisational chart.

  • Who we work with

    We work with a number of partners to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

  • CHQ Medal of Distinction

    We award our Medal of Distinction to Queenslanders who’ve made a large impact on the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

Get involved

There are many ways you can get involved. Help us shape quality care and a great experience in our hospitals and health services.

Corporate reporting

Learn about our performance, how to access information and how you can report suspected wrongdoing.

  • Strategies and reports

    We produce a number of publications to inform our community about our performance and achievements.

  • Our performance

    We publish detailed, up-to-date and regular information on the activity and performance of the Queensland Children's Hospital.

  • Access to information

    Find out how you can access information from Children's Health Queensland.

  • Public interest disclosures

    We’re committed to having the highest level of ethics in our organisation and we support reporting suspected wrongdoing.

Contact us

How to ask us questions, get health advice, give a compliment or make a complaint.

Get in touch


Your stories

  • Lewis

    Ricky was born with a rare deficiency disorder, that causes him to have up to 20 debilitating seizures a day.

  • Sophie

    Sophie was diagnosed with a rare degenerative condition at 14 months old that affects her tissues, organs, joints and bones.

  • Ruby

    Ruby was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome when her mother was 21 weeks pregnant. She underwent three open-heart surgeries before she was four months old.

Last updated: May 2024